Ecologies of Memory
Mnemonics Summer School 2018
Lectures and panels will take place in Conference Room 1 of the Irish College in Leuven (Janseniusstraat 1).
9:00 – Registration
9:30 – Welcome and Opening Remarks
9:45 – Keynote 1
‘Hiroshima’s Ghostly Shadows: Collective Memory, Trauma, and Scale’
Gabriele Schwab
UC Irvine
11:00 – Coffee Break
11:30 – Panel 1: The Image
‘Images of Chaos: Narrative and Fictions of Memory in the Television Montage of the “Mariana Mining Tragedy”’
Alice Melo
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
‘The Global President: Speculative Remembrance in Anthropocene Film’
Arielle Stambler
‘Colonial Deforestation: Images between A Photo of Formosa and An Art Installation about Taiwan’
Sophie Hsin-Lin Su
Utrecht University
Chair: Jessica Rapson. Respondent: Jesper Olsson
13:00 – Lunch
14:00 – Panel 2: The Archive
‘From Media Events to Amnesiac Space: Non-archivisation in Digital Memory—A Case Study of Bullet Comments in Live Streaming’
Andong Li
Renmin University of China / King’s College London
‘Affects, Memory, and Territory: An Epistemological Approach to the Concept of Affective Archive’
Lucas Saporosi
University of Buenos Aires / University of La Plata
‘An Anatomy of Conspiracy: New Ecologies of Archival Memory in Thomas Pynchon’s Bleeding Edge’
Tom Chadwick
University of Leuven
Chair: Wulf Kansteiner. Respondent: Susanne Knittel
15:30 – Coffee Break
16:00 – Panel 3: The Transition
‘Nuclear Bodies and Memorative Veolocities in Brooke Bolander’s The Only Harmless Great Thing’
River Ramuglia
Ghent University
‘Disgrace or Transgrace? Towards an Understanding of Trans-corporeal Memory in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace’
Deniz Ibrisim
Washington University in St. Louis
‘“You have turned us . . . into storytellers, but always of the same story”: Technology and Traumatic Memory in Indra Sinha’s Animal’s People’
Jennifer MacGregor
Chair: Lucy Bond. Respondent: Astrid Erll
17:30 – Opening Reception (Irish College Garden)
9:30 – Keynote 2
‘Remembering Agency in the Anthropocene’
Richard Crownshaw
Goldsmiths, University of London
10:45 – Coffee Break
11:15 – Panel 4: The Climate
‘The Anthropocene Memorial: Recording Climate Change on the Banks of the Potomac River in Washington D.C.’
Clara de Massol
King’s College London
‘The Ecology of Tarantism: Re-membering Dance as Cultural Cure’
Sophia Levine
UC Riverside
‘“The Disease is a Way of Thinking”: From Anthropocene to Capitalocene in Aaron Thier’s Mr. Eternity’
Mahlu Mertens
Ghent University
Chair: Susanne Knittel. Respondent: Lucy Bond
12:45 – Lunch
13:45 – Panel 5: The Broadcast
‘Broadcasting Women’s Stories: Dominant and Hegemonic Memories in the Spanish Digital Radio’
Iria Ameixeiras Cundins
Columbia University
‘“Fortress Europe” and the Migration Film: Memories of Migration in a Transnational Media Ecology’
Roxane Dänner
Goethe University Frankfurt
‘Turning Grief into Action: Media and Empathy in the US Gun Control Debate’
Alyssa Anderson
Brown University
Chair: Stef Craps. Respondent: Jessica Rapson
15:15 – Coffee Break
15:45 – Panel 6: The Game
‘Playing the Past: The Materialist Memory Politics of Historical Digital Games’
Emil Hammar
University of Tromsø
‘“The World’s Gotta Know”: Holocaust Memory in Call of Duty: WWII’
Kate Marrison
University of Leeds
Chair: Silvana Mandolessi. Respondent: Wulf Kansteiner
17:15 – Roundtable: How (Not) to Get Published (Wulf Kansteiner, Susanne Knittel, Silvana Mandolessi, Jessica Rapson)
19:00 – Conference Dinner (At the Bebop)
9:30 – Keynote 3
‘The Forgetting Conundrum’
Andrew Hoskins
University of Glasgow
10:45 – Break
11:00 – Panel 7: The Global
‘In the Footsteps of Thorkild Hansen: How to Develop a Literary Methodology for Revisiting Colonial Environments?’
Lene Asp
University of Linköping
‘“I Started a New Blog—The Khalil I Know”: Memory in the Digital Age—Counter-Memories through Tumblr in Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give’
Yvonne Kappel
Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
‘Memories of Sustainable Futures: Remembering in the Digital Age’
Helene Nymann
Aarhus University
Chair: Pieter Vermeulen. Respondent: Michael Rothberg
12:30 – Lunch
13:30 – Panel 8: The Network
‘Dense Subgroups in Memory Networks’
Anastasia Pupynina
TU Darmstadt
‘Memory-Based and Digitally Enabled: Counterpublics in an Authoritarian Context’
Andrei Zavadski
Freie Universität Berlin
Chair: Astrid Erll. Respondent: Silvana Mandolessi
14:30 – Closing Remarks